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VZ 58 CQB Rifle Czechpoint


  • Shortest vz. 58 barrel length (with Phantom flash hider) that is NOT an SBR (Short Barreled Rifle)
  • Bayonet lug is attached and will accept vz. 58 surplus bipods, but not surplus bayonets as the barrel is too short for bayonet clearance (bipod in photos not included).
  • Flash hider permanently attached by blind pinned method
  • Chrome lined 14.25″ barrel is new manufactured by Lothar Walther in Germany
  • This is a Czech Small Arms factory CQB barrel length (not modified from a 16″ barrel)
  • Flat black finish cured at 300°F
  • TactLite six position collapsible stock utilizing mil-spec extension tube with new production polymer injected pistol grip and upper and lower handguard
  • Patented push-down plate on bolt carrier to prevent misfire issues (D-Technik/Czech Small Arms vz. 58 firearms are the only vz. 58s manufactured with this vital part to ensure reliability)
  • 2 x 30-round magazines (style may vary).
  • CD containing manual and historical information
  • Cleaning kit (does not include oil can)
  • New production black color sling
  • 5-year manufacturers warranty


New for Czechpoint is the VZ58 7.62x39mm CQB (Close Quarter Battle) Rifle. The Czech Small Arms factory CQB rifle model is an ideal rifle for training and operating in confined areas or close quarters as it was designed with a compact profile in mind. Its compact size, barrel length (including flash hider) and overall length make this rifle an excellent choice when a non-NFA firearm is needed. Barrel length, not including permanently attached flash hider is 14.25 inches (with permanently attached flash hider, barrel length is 16.25″). Overall rifle length of the CQB model with stock collapsed is 33.75″.
As found throughout the Czech Small Arms (CSA) line of vz.58 rifles and pistols, the vz.58 CQB 762 possesses the patented ‘push-down’ plate on the bolt carrier. The patented ‘push-down’ plate ensures the user will not experience possible misfire problems that can be found with other manufacturer vz.58 type firearms.

The vz.58 Sporter was imported into the United States in compliance with 18 U.S.C. 925(d)(3). CzechPoint adds USA made parts to the vz. 58 Sporter so as to legally reconfigure the firearm with a separate pistol grip and stock. This means that all vz. 58 rifles capable of using double stack magazines possess 5 USA made parts to fully comply with Title 18, U.S.C., Section 922(r).

This rifle model includes seven USA made parts (only five US made parts are required for 922r compliance so this rifle model possesses two extra US made parts). The seven USA made parts are:

  • Trigger (glass-filled nylon)
  • Handguard
  • Grip
  • Polymer follower
  • Polymer floor plate
  • Buttstock
  • Flash hider

The Czech Small Arms stock adapter mounts the M4 style stock tube at the bottom area of the vz.58 receiver and has a slight downward angle. Even though this adapter mounts the M4 style stock slightly higher than the original vz.58 wood impregnated stock, it still provides a comfortable cheek weld for iron sights.

The color of the finish is a semi gloss/matte black coating (cured at 300°F). The new production rifle barrels are manufactured by Lothar Walther in Germany and made from a high alloy chrome molybdenum steel (4340) and is chrome-lined.


Please Note: We are unable to fill requests for a specific trigger guard, front sight base, or sling swivel. Over the years, different trigger guards and sling swivels were manufactured as well as two different front sight bases (enclosed circle or ears protecting the front sight post). One is not better than the other – they are just slightly different.


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